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Because our cultural story is based on illusions, it produces myths rather than an understanding of reality. Of the 10 illusions, the first 5 are physical - and the last 5 are metaphysical. The cultural story of humans is that: 1.God has an agenda (Need exists) 2.The outcome of life is in doubt (Failure exists) 3.We are separate from God (Disunity exists) 4.There is not enough (Insufficiency exists) 5.There is something we have to do (Requirement exists) 6.If we do not do it, we will be punished (Judgement exists) 7.The punishment is everlasting damnation (Condemnation exists) 8.Love is, therefore, conditional (Conditionally exists) 9.Knowing and meeting the conditions renders us superior (Superiority exists) 10.We do not know that these are illusions (Ignorance exists). These are 'make-believe' - illusions that attempt to 'fix the flaws', explain, and/or build upon each other as grander variations and distortions of our first mistake ... The Illusion of Need.
1. The Illusion of Need:
One needs something only if one requires a particular result. God-Life-The Universe needs nothing to occur except that which is occurring - not requiring a particular result - because they are the result. We need nothing to survive (everlasting) and happiness is not created as a result of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created as a result of happiness. This is true for every other state of Being - love, compassion, abundance, etc. These are states of mind in which needs are fiction. Beingness precedes experience, and produces it. Yet over time, human beings have built the Supreme Being in our likeness - with an agenda, need, judgement, etc. Know this: No-thing makes God unhappy.
2. The Illusion of Failure:
The idea that God's Will (assuming there is one) could not be done produced the illusion that God can fail (desire - but not get, wish - but not receive, need - but not have); or be thwarted. Again, projecting ourSelf upon our God. This illusion teaches that the outcome of life is in doubt - and is our first encounter with F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real).
3. The Illusion of Disunity:
Disunity produces the possibility of Failure, and Failure is only possible if Need exists. We have created cultural stories to explain them - like Adam and Eve, and the concept of the fallen angel - the cast away - the damned - the 'Devil'. Suddenly, there were 2 competing powers in Ultimate Reality (God & 'Satan') and 2 places from which they operated (Heaven & 'Hell'). This illusion, deeply embedded in our psyche, has the most impact on human affairs - creating separation between each other and God. Separateness produces greed, violence, jealousy, and other unwelcome behaviors and results. Yet more effort has been made to punish these behaviors than seek to change them. Society's problems can't be solved with the same energy that created them (to end violence and killing with violence and killing, to quell anger with anger, etc.) - doing so has, is, and will embody it.
4. The Illusion of Insufficiency:
Without Disunity, Insufficiency is insupportable. The nature of God is sufficient unto itself - All That Is. No human is separate from God, since God is Every-thing that is. The nature of humans, therefore are not, and cannot be, separate from each other. Forgetting this devise is an illusion no longer creates experience, it becomes experience - and has led to the idea there is 'not enough' (impossible in Ultimate Reality but not in imagination). Humans have confused dominion with domination. Forgetting we are eternal, unlimited, and one with all - we seek to subdue Life in order to have more abundant Life; afraid that there's not enough Life to go around. This F.E.A.R. produced the imagined reality of 'death' - a beginning and end to Being. Thus, the Survival Instinct formed based on the idea we might not survive. This belief in Insufficiency has led to conclusions that there is not enough Life (translated as death), not enough stuff in Life (translated as lack), not enough of That Which Created Life (translated as a limited God). Because these things seem limited - we destroy and kill ourselves competing for them. Moreover, brutally massive depression, repression, and suppression (producing self-destructive behaviors, fighting for resources, squabbling over God) result from the idea of Insufficiency within philosophy, theology, religion, government, etc.
5. The Illusion of Requirement:
The existence of Insufficiency (not enough) led humans to ask how to get enough and/or how to qualify for enough (God, happiness, security, love, etc). We have elevated doing to the highest place in our cosmology. Even our concept of God requires something that we have to do in order to be rewarded, accepted, and be in heaven. This has resulted in lists and sets of rules and regulations, guidelines and procedures, laws of God and laws of man - by which we imagine we must live. We viciously claim in God's name (One Nation, True Faith, Chosen People) - yet, achievement has become our 'God'. The struggle and question remains - How and by what measure, by what system, can we decide and determine if the Requirement has been met; or even worth it?
6. The Illusion of Judgment:
Our answer to what happens to those who have not met the Requirement produced our invention of Judgment. Failure to please the Requirements of our final arbiter, our ill-tempered God, produced dire consequences. This God as Avenger model of Deity still exists today. It suggests that God is very particular and stubborn about who and how one comes to Him and is welcomed into heaven. It assumes that humans ('born in sin') are imperfect in the eyes of God, and there is something they have to do in order to achieve Perfection, Purification, Salvation, Enlightenment, etc. - and meet the Requirement. We have declared God to be judgmental, so we feel justified to judge everyone else (by race, gender, sexuality, nationality, fame, power, success, etc). Quick to condemn those whom it uncovers the slightest imperfection, we have robbed ourselves and our society of needed leaders, heroes, teachers, and icons. Furthermore, this paradigm fails to answer what happens if the Requirement is not met - and what does it matter.
7. The Illusion of Condemnation:
There had to be a consequence of Judgment. Based on our original myth, God threw Adam and Eve out of the garden when they did not meet the requirement. This created Disunity, which created Insufficiency, which created the Requirement. The punishment was separation, and Insufficiency the result. Then humanity combined aspects of previous illusions to explain death vs. Everlasting Life, punishment and reward. By placing another outcome after physical death, namely Condemnation (2nd Illusion - life is in doubt / failure exists), humans were able to see death not as a punishment but the ultimate manifestation of Insufficiency (evidence of the 4th Illusion). Myths support the Story, the Story supports the illusion - this superstructure of our cosmology is false. Death and God are mutually exclusive - impossible for them to exist side by side. If death exists, then God does not - OR - it must be concluded that God is not everything that is. Believing there is something God is not leads to a belief in death, the Devil, and everything in between. But believing God is the undying energy of Life itself - changing form, and all the energy that forms that which has taken form - is a small step to understanding that death does not, and cannot, exist. Instead, we will experience more life at the moment of our physical death - realizing life goes on and on, and confirming there was never not enough (dissolving the 4th Illusion). Knowing this before physically dying is possible and can alter everything - ending the competition. Instead of seeking affection, attention, sexual satisfaction, and emotional security - we become the source for it. Call it 'karma' or whatever word we choose - the real truth is that there is only one of us. Yet our illusions say we are separated, have something to do, will be carefully watched, and condemned if we do not do it. But even this ideology begged to ask: If God Is Love - Supreme, Complete, Unfathomable Love - how could Condemnation exist? If God is All Forgiving, how could God sentence us to everlasting torture beyond description?
8. The Illusion of Conditionality:
For Condemnation to exist, humans invented Conditionality as a characteristic of life. It implied that we could fail (2nd Illusion) to win God's love (assumed conditional). This produced our experiences of greed, violence, killing, and other examples of conditional love. Conditional love is an oxymoron. The two are mutually exclusive. There is no Conditionality in the Universe. It is not possible for 'What Is' not to be - that is why Life is eternal. Life is That Which Is, and That Which Is can never not be. Life always was, is now, and shall ever be without end. So to with God - for God is what Life is. So to with love - for love is what God is. Love, therefore, knows no condition. Love simply is. God gave no Requirements, no Conditions - we can have the life we desire and whatever afterlife we imagine simply by choosing it. Yet humanity denies this, and has developed religions to explain the Requirements and Conditions to receive God's love; even with our imperfections. Hence, the concepts of forgiveness and salvation were born. They were the conditions of love. They were the 'ifs' - God said 'I love you if'. Instead of being objective, the human race (supported by religions) fractured, creating conflict as to which belief was right - and who had the right to justify any action in the name of God.
9. The Illusion of Superiority:
Humans concluded that if Conditionality existed, then knowing the conditions would be necessary to enjoy the life, and afterlife, that one desired. Those who knew the conditions were better than those who did not. The idea of Superiority was born. The primary use of Superiority (and knowing the conditions) was to provide inarguable justification for the right to ignore others, seek to convert others, or eliminate others if they did not know or agree to the conditions. Knowing the conditions of Life was called science, knowing the conditions of the afterlife were called conscience, and the study of theology (theo+logy=God logic) was called 'high consciousness'. 'Having' (brains, money, time, power, faith, etc) was added to 'doing' in our experience. Those who had acquired more were considered to be more Superior. Since there was not enough (4th Illusion) food-money-love-God, Superiority became the answer to figuring out who 'wins' the 'competition'. Men? Whites? Americans? Christians? Jews? The truth that will set us free is ... there is no such thing as Superiority. We have made it all up. We have proclaimed our perspective, objectives, desires, understandings, etc. to be that of God. A God with an agenda, and needs. This is a mistake. There can be no Superiority when We Are All One. A thing cannot be superior to itself. All things are One Thing, there is nothing else - this is the nature of Ultimate Reality.
10. The Illusion of Ignorance:
Increasingly, each illusion was piled upon the last; Life became more and more difficult to figure out. If this was true, then why that? If that was true, then why this? Before long, philosophers and teachers said "We don't know." And the idea of Ignorance came to be. Human institutions (religions / governments) used 'we don't know' and turned it into 'we are supposed to know' which became 'we do not have a need to know' which finally became 'what we don't know won't hurt us'. Know this: The essence of love is freedom. Love grants freedom - fear takes it away. Love opens up - fear closes down. Love invites full expression - fear punishes it. Love invites you, always all-ways, to break the bonds of Ignorance. Ask any question - Seek any answer - Speak any word - Share any thought - Support any system - Worship any God - Love invites us to live our truth. Ignorance is an Illusion. We already know everything there is to know about Who We Really Are - which is the essence of love. There is nothing we have to learn. We need only to re-member: 1.God needs nothing 2.God cannot fail, and neither can we 3.Nothing is separate from anything 4.There is enough 5.There is nothing we have to do 6 We will never be judged 7.We will never be condemned 8.Love knows no condition 9.A thing cannot be superior to itself 10.We already know all of this.