You are in charge of your own life! Whatever YOU think YOU create. If you don't like your life at the moment, then Change YOUR thoughts. We are all one, connected to each other not separate as you believe. Everyone in your life is your mirror reflection. If you are challenged by any person or situation then step back, thank the person for showing YOU what you need to change about yourself. Once you see YOURSELF and make the changes within, that challenge will disappear!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
My Vision For YOU
This morning I turned on the TV,
And much to my surprise it brought strong tears to my eyes
The broadcast was from Joplin, Mo
It showed me that my messages are to be told
About hope and not sorrow
That my writings are TRUTH everyday and tomorrow
That they are not crazy or make believe, but pure
It helps me to endure
It was how the people have come together
To help each other through the stormy weather
Sometimes I wondered about my song
But more and more I do believe
I know for sure that what I receive
Is real I pick this up to conceal
The love that most have lost
I do this no matter what the cost
I've lost friends, men and family
Because of who I am
But always been guided and take my stand
It's what I believe,
Sometime I feel the need to LEAD
Everyone on this planet
It's my mission on this journey
To teach others of love and not fear
Even if it alienates everyone, but I am SINCERE!
One day soon, I too will find
My true love, it will be divine
Which will help me rise higher than I have ever been
To promote my story I carry deep within
Someone who will support ME through and through
Trust me, believe in me, stand by me
Stick to me like glue
Accept all of me for who I am
And let me lean on him while he offers his helping hand
Where we will walk together into the promised land
Our love will spread to everyone
Across the nation, throughout the world
To bring everyone a healing and open their door
To their truths, create their love
Then the whole planet will rise above
Heaven will have arrived to earth where we reside
Children will play and sing
People are happy, in love which will bring
This world into a place like never before
Where peace, love, harmony will be in store.
No more government, hatred, prejudices and war
But pure love forever more!
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Messenger For the World
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Angels Are All Around You
I know it seems hard to deal with the trauma
The deaths, the storms, the fear, the drama
Now is the time to understand who you are,
Where you came from, and how this is the plan
Because there is no end
There never was
Just a continuation because sometimes we are here, sometimes above
If you look back in time and see the changes that have been made
It's been a struggle each and every day
But this is our new home, first time ever
To be able to exist in peace, harmony, togetherness, beauty, whatever!
Our earth is changing every day
Restructuring itself for us each day
There is no death, no pain, no illness
It's all an illusion not real so start forgiveness
When you finally wake up
Your life will change immensely
You will see how the fear, illusion, sorrows and pain
Was forced on us so the powers could gain
Control over everyone but not anymore
Gone will be illness, government, and war
If some of us leave this planet
It is okay it was planned that way
Life doesn't end
It exists in other realms
Death is an illusion
So release your fears
Trust in God, your guides, and Angels because they are here
For you to guide you through and through
They are always close to you
They are right by your side
Are ready to answer your questions you hold deep inside
So ask and they will answer
Their messages come from others, radio, billboards, you will see
Just ask, wait and trust in thee
And know you are never alone always being helped from the unknown
So release all of your fears
Instead, stand up and cheer
For peace, harmony, love and freedom
From pain, sorrow, discomfort, and grieving.
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Messenger to Heal the World
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Devastation Is All Around Us
Devastation is all around us
Why you ask? Because it shakes you up to change your ways
Money is not the key
Buying, having greed And the need
To own more stuff
It's not the direction
Love, unity, peaceful ways, trust and oneness and our connections
To each other
We are all related all of us are sisters and brothers
God is our Father, Earth is our Mother
That is how it really is because we are connected to each other
The longer you deny this the more sorrow and pain
You will feel if it's about the gain
The money, the greed, control, ego and power
If you feel like this each day and tomorrow
You will continue to suffer through life
Until you wake up and realize you create your strife!
It's not about sin
Only loving yourself and others through thick and thin
Knowing we are all connected to each other
Don't you see? Devastation brings that out in thee
So if you want the destruction to end
Change your ways and begin again
Start each day loving yourself and everybody
And make everyone your friend
If you are blessed with money
Give to the needy, stop being greedy
Because you too will lose your money
Unless you share your abundance with many
The world has been off balance but no more
It's cleansing itself of greed, power hungry people, fear, government and war
How else can heaven come to earth?
Wake up! This is earth's rebirth!
One day you will see
How these changes will set you free
To be the Love you were meant to be
Then Heaven Will arrive
It's already started, it has already begun
2012 is not the end
But gone will be illness, sorrow and pain
Change is what's coming
So much you will gain
And know the truth of who you are
We are all beautiful,we are love, we are all stars
Monday, May 23, 2011
Devastation Is All Around Us
Devastation is all around us
Why you ask? Because it shakes you up to change your ways
Money is not the key
Buying, having greed
And the need
To own more stuff
It's not the direction
Love, unity, peaceful ways, trust and oneness and our connections
To each other
We are all related all of us are sisters and brothers
God is our Father, Earth is our Mother
That is how it really is because we are connected to each other
The longer you deny this the more sorrow and pain
You will feel if it's about the gain
The money, the greed, control, ego and power
If you feel like this each day and tomorrow
You will continue to suffer through life
Until you wake up and realize you create your strife!
It's not about sin
Only loving yourself and others through thick and thin
Knowing we are all connected to each other
Don't you see? Devastation brings that out in thee
So if you want the destruction to end
Change your ways and begin again
Start each day loving yourself and everybody
And make everyone your friend
If you are blessed with money
Give to the needy, stop being greedy
Because you too will lose your money
Unless you share your abundance with many
The world has been off balance but no more
It's cleansing itself of greed, power hungry people, fear, government and war
How else can heaven come to earth?
Wake up! This is earth's rebirth!
One day you will see
How these changes will set you free
To be the Love you were meant to be
Then Heaven Will arrive
It's already started, it has already begun
2012 is not the end
But gone will be illness, sorrow and pain
Change is what's coming
So much you will gain
And know the truth of who you are
We are all beautiful,we are love, we are all stars
To realize everything you ever learned about life isn't true?
What if you new you were your own creator
Would you create something for yourself or just think like all the rest and be a hater
What if I told you that love abounds?
Would you believe it or just say "ah... okay but not sure how that sounds"
What if I told you that your whole world can change in an instant?
Would you believe it? Some of you yes, most of you no..because for some reason you
would rather live the life you have always lived...happy some days miserable
most...get caught up on news, famine, greed, lies, and especially FEAR.
We have all been raised to live like that, and drown in our beer
So change it!!!! Read my books, or someone Else's...test the world for yourself
and see how it is here for YOU......
Sure it takes practice, it takes time to make those changes....but when you change
your thoughts you change your life
Stop living in strife
The change is not only for you but everyone else
Because we are spirits we spread our love and joy to others
it's like a disease but its the best one to have
If you want LOVE, abundance, trust, freedom, peace and see the world however
beauty means to you than make those changes. It's going to happen regardless of
what you do
but if you want to be happy now and not blue
then do it sooner than later
and enjoy the fruits of your labors.
The NEW EARTH is already here! Do you see it???? Not if you live in FEAR...
Now is the time to release your past,
your sorrows, bad breakups all of your woes get rid of these fast
Once you realize the Universe is helping you NOW
Then you will be able to deal with the new energy that is here and wow!!
So many people are feeling out of sorts...dizzy, ill,heart flutters, weird....with
all new kinds of medical issues. Dr's telling their patients they are fine but you
know you feel different, why? because this is divine.
It's just the earth's new energy arriving here
to change our bodies so we can handle it: so stop the fear!
because otherwise we would disintegrate and all be gone.
Instead we are being changed to adjust to the NEW EARTH and everything else will
change its course; to the
better world we already new about, this new force
We volunteered to be here to be part of this change
Wake up, wake up, create your bliss, because we are the steadfast, the mighty,
strongest spirits and very tough
That's why you are I are here, because folks this is all good stuff.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I Am A Visionary
I have a vision most people don't see
I'm here to heal, and connect you to thee
It is my mission
My strong intuition
To help you heal, feel good, and be free
Come to me for a healing, coaching whatever you need
My fees are nominal you will see
Come one, come all
Gather around
Let me help you and guide you to your new promised land
I have always channeled messages to you
But now they are melodic it's easier to understand, it's true
To grasp the messages and songs from heaven
From now and past 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Our Present Earth Changes
Weather changes are here to stay
At least for awhile so forget about it and go out and play
Earth is changing faster than you know
You feel it, just go with the flow
Soon it will pass as quickly as it came
But don't make yourself become insane
Everything happens for a reason
Goes according to plan
Forget about the seasons
Life will seem strange
Everything is to rearrange
Your life, your thoughts, your past
Let it all go at last
It serves no purpose anymore
All that stuff inside you is a chore
Release everything you ever learned
Find new ways to earn
Find new ways to exist
Spend your time only in bliss
The more you fight it and stay stuck in your old ways
The harder it will be
So open up to New Thought and you will see
That you chose to be here and experience this
Because you new the outcome, that your life will be pure bliss
But the longer you sleep the longer it takes
Because the NEW EARTH of love and beauty is already here
But until you release all of your fears
Your world will seem scary to you
All you have to do is find a way to release, it's true!
Follow your gut, your heart, it's your journey
Just do what only feel right for you
Not what others tell you to do
Even if it's different, it's okay
Hurry up, wake up and make your days
Special to you in every way!
Say, "God, guide me, I'm listening to you, I promise to follow my gut
which is you. I trust the outcome because I trust in you."
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Messenger for the New World Thoughts Change Your Life
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
click on the link..If you are feeling emotional Be Love and That Will Spiritually Heal You
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Loving You, Loving Me
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Are You Feeling Emotional
Click on my link to my site and read the message
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life
The only factor that keeps us from doing this is our fear. Society has been based on fear, power, and control. We have entrapped ourselves into this thought process far too long.
The news media is a prime example on how fear is spread out to the world. News headlines are extremely negative. The broadcast is most always about, famine, floods, fires, drought, job losses, too many people, the economy, and the list goes on. Does watching and listening to this nonsense create peace and love within us? I think not! It creates fear within us. Now we are worried if there is enough food, an adequate amount of water, or a sufficient amount of jobs for everyone to go around. It's always about what we can't do and why we can't achieve whatever it is we are searching for.
Powerful people can only control outcomes when we are fearful. It's important to realize if anyone has power over you, it's because you let them. You and only you are in charge of your life. The following are steps to take to guide you from being fearful to being powerful.
o Every morning say positive affirmations
o Before you go to sleep, do not watch the news and say only positive affirmations
o Believe that the only power in this world is God and only God
o Know that God provided us with all the resources we need
o Trust in yourself, listen to your intuition, and trust in God
"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny".
By Gandhi
Have you ever just wanted to do something but didn't because you were afraid? As you can see all you need to do is relinquish your fear, take charge of your life, and realize that empowering thoughts will change your life.
Maxine Whitfield -
Article Source:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
What is Love?
Sweet Kisses, Sweet Love
I know it comes from above
When you first lay eyes on each other
There is a connection like no other
Why you ask, what could it be?
It's a reunited love, you will see
That you made a pact to meet again
You've know each other again and again
Comes from a past, one from before
Doesn't mean it will endure
It just feels good because it's pure
Soon we start meeting lovers from before
It will be like they are knocking on your door
This is because we are reconnecting from our past
Not this life but the last
Embrace your new friends and family
It will bring you peace and harmony
A love which spreads out to everyone
Creates a healing because we are ONE
We are joining together hand in hand
To love, connect, be happy,and healthy as
We walk into our promised land
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Finding Love
Shining Star From Above
Tell me what is Love?
Silver tales and puppy dog tales
Wagging in the wind, ready to sail
Oh me oh my
Why are birds in the sky?
To sing to you every day
They tell you to go out and play
Sing, laugh, be full of glee
Be happy cause everything happens
As it is meant to be
Just relax, let life flow
When you don't stress, you have a glow
That attracts a mate
Who will ask you for a date
Settle down
Do not frown
For it keeps you feeling down
So perk up, start a new life
Let everything happen
Don't live in strife
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Be Spiritually Healed and Focus on Real Truths are profound messages channel to me in poetry to help guide you with the changes that are currently affecting everyone on this planet.
Watch for this release soon!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Internet Dating
I seriously think that singles are lazy
Typing lies and deceit
On constant repeat
Pictures they post look nice and serene
But when you meet they are ugly and mean
"Looking for long term really means just sex"
They 'hit it and quit it then on to the next'
Old school dating was better before
You show your face, it was not such a chore
"If we met in the street, would I date you?"
probably not, I would see the fake in you
Why are people so afraid?
They have to wear masks and play games
Fear is what keeps us out of Love
What is everyone afraid of?
It's time to see life as it is
It's beautiful with so much to give
Natural meetings are destiny
It's the Universe saying he or she was meant to be
But even then fear show it's face
Wake up people,
Let's create our new human race!
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Life Coach
Watch for my upcoming new book, Be Spiritually Healed by Focusing on Real Truths
Poetic Messages to Help Heal the World
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Fill Yourself Up With your enemies as much as everyone else
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Change is On It's Way
More change is on it's way
It will be quick, needless to say
So be aware of your surroundings
Be aware of your hounding
That will come to you from deep inside
Show you visions you never realized
That were buried deep inside your soul
They will surface and you need to know
That this is positive
This is fresh
This is the energy to share with the rest
You will start feeling different
More alert to your needs
More alert to other's wishes
This is good better than washing dishes
Because you are beginning to feel connected to all
It is so positive you cannot fall
Times are a changing and it is okay
Tap into it and play
Come one, come all to the ball
Soon you will see how we are connected to all
Monday, March 28, 2011
We Are Responsible For Our Lives
The sky is gray
Eyes grow weary
Sometime everything seems dreary
Cloudy days, haze and rain
Just cleanses all the pain
Just be open to receive
Stay in tune, alert, to conceive
That what you see is an illusion
It comes from your thoughts
That's the conclusion
The media feeds your mind with depression
Makes you think of fear and obsession
So do what's right and turn it off
Change your mind, change your thoughts
It's how our life goes
We are responsible for what we know
We are responsible for what we see
We are responsible for what we feel
Change your thoughts and you will heal
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
UFO's in Japan: Seen before earthquake and during tsunami - compilation
Twinkle Toes
They are real
I am told
Do they hurt us, are they someone to fear?
I'm sure they are not, but they do exist I here
To help us, not harm like movies show
That's just entertainment because I know
Too many sightings from people who catch them
Video taped on you tube for us to see
It's real, not make believe
But it's up to you to decide for yourself
Whether you want to believe they are here to help
Not to harm us like some think
Open yourself to other realities
So you won't drain yourself down the kitchen sink
Release your fears of the unknown
Think about love and acceptance and be grown
Just because it's new for you
Doesn't mean it's not true
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The New Dawn
Earthquakes, tsunamis, destruction is here
It is not real, there is nothing to fear
It's time to comeback to your own
What is important, is it your home,
Your stuff, how much you own?
That is gone it's about love and togetherness
So be strong and do not stress
You already know this so tap into that
You are stronger than you know cause you chose to be here at this time
The New Dawn, this is amazing, it is divine
The people who perish sacrificed themselves
It's part of the major plan they
New this beforehand
Because there is no death
Life continues for eternity
Your soul lives on in serenity
For us all to be
Love, connected to each other
We always have been my brothers
Soon we will reunite hand in hand
Mind connections Travel into our new land
Of beauty, love, peace and tranquility,
No more greed, evil, and powers that be
We are all equal all one together
We will all float hand in hand like a feather
Together, forever, peace, love and harmony
We will all lose our "stuff"
So get tough
Because soon you will see
This was all meant to be
Your life will be so different but so much better
Stop clinging to the lies, greed, and fear
Live everyday knowing it's unreal
You will see
It's meant to be
Earth's rebirth
Friday, March 11, 2011
Heaven Is Coming To Earth/Massive Japan Earthquake
Heaven is Coming to Earth/Massive Earthquake in Japan
Posted on March 11, 2011 by admin
spiritual-healers-photo- by- Maxine
spiritual-healers-photo- by- Maxine
Green grass, white flowers
It is the dawn of the hour
Wait and see
Mother Earth’s power
Her plans are changing
To a place like Heaven
It’s already started in 2011
Don’t be afraid, focus on grace
Because that is where we are headed
The whole human race
Heaven on Earth
Our new re-birth
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Mother Earth is For Us
Soft flakes fall from the sky
White powder for you and I
It's fresh, it's clean
It gleams in the sun
For your enjoyment
To frolic and have fun
Look around you and you will see
How Mother Earth Supplies all our needs
Food, water, trees, fragrant flowers,
To frolic in hour after hour
Some places have snow glistening in the daylight
And we all have twinkling stars to entertain us at night
Embrace the beauty that surrounds you
Rejoice in our Mother who will astound you
Her ocean waves crashing on rocks
Warm sunlight embracing like a sock
Focus on her beauty
Open your eyes and cradle her enchantment
Like magic it's for your enhancemen
Saturday, March 5, 2011
2012 - The Revolution Has Begun - 2012
I am a visionary. This goes along with my book, "How to Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life." This is the message I have been relaying for 2 yrs. Watch this video! It is amazing!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Messages From Spirit to Spiritually Heal You
I just let it flow
Comes from deep within my heart
That is how it starts
I open to receive
The messages are pure so believe
That what I say is guided from above
Where the joy, the laughter and fun resides; it’s just love
We all are capable to receive
Messages from spirit, all you need to do is believe
Open your heart, mind, body, and soul
To begin your journey in love and peace,
Then watch it grow!
It happens fast
Change is quick
It works so fast
Like a magic stick
Feel the peace deep within
That is all you need to begin
Grab a paper and pencil
Write down your thoughts like stencil
Then you will be a poet just like me
I woke up one day and this was how it happened for me
I did not plan it
It just arrived
Now my mind
Rhymes, a poet from the sky
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Author, How to Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life"
Soon to be available on Kindle
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Stars Are For Your Entertainment

Show us a new flight
Of Independence and glee
Happiness Abounds and it's free
Open your wings, wake up it's real
Everything you want is on a wheel
Visualize, see it pick it out
Go and make it come about
Only you have the power to do it so
Get off your duff stop being lazy, do it, feel your heart glow
Sprinkle magic dust, love, and beauty
Visualize your life, create it's your duty
Get ready, start, don't hesitate
Take advantage the POWER is now, don't be late
Get motivated, stop being lazy
Otherwise your life becomes hazy
Turn off the TV and fearful movies
Real life is around you twinkling stars
It's groovy
They entertain you, make you think
Bring you messages as quick as a blink
Spend more time in reflection
Open your mind, there won't be rejection
Change your bad habits, your fearful thoughts
The beauty of life is so close just be open to receive
It brings you peace and love to conceive
Wake up, wake up the time is now
The energy is stronger right NOW
Ride the train to heaven, it's coming to Earth
Be aware, wake up it's your new BIRTH!
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Healer
Expert Author
"How To Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life"
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Click on my link and read the prophecy of
Beinsa Douno
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Moon Is Bigger and Brighter

There are earth changes that are here to stay
Focus on that each and every day
It is what's real whether you know it or not
everything else is an illusion
It's the conclusion
Why is it so hard to believe?
What are you afraid of just change it and you will see
How love is the only reality
Everything else is crazy
So don't become entrapped in the haze
The drama, the destruction, the sorrow the pain
It is there only if you allow it and it will drain
Your energy and keep you in fear
So forget about it and trust have faith and cheer
For life is beauty love and free
Only if you allow it to be
Real truths are what I relay
re-read my posts each and every day
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Enter Into A New Reality
You might ask, “How is this possible?” Do you dream at night? Do you travel from place to place? It is the same thing. Dreams are messages for you. They not only have meaning but they also can tell us the future. I, for one, have dreamed 3 years into the future and that is why I know it is truth.
All you have to do is be open to the idea that it is possible. It is the same when anything enters into your awareness. All of a sudden you start seeing things you never saw before.
Think of it as a new exciting experience. Connect with loved ones that live far away. Because I am an emotional healer, I have traveled many times in my dreams on an airplane to my friends in need. I have done this while asleep, dreaming.
Remember everything you see is what you perceive. Does any one person who witnessed a crime scene describe the perpetrator the same? Can anyone see a flower exactly the same? Have you heard the expression, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder? Why is this? Because we already have our own reality. All you have to do is be open to the fact that there is more than you currently know.
When the time is right, be open and you will receive. In the meantime, test it for yourself.
Be the creator you were meant to be and have a spiritual healing.
Love and Light
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Go to my site and click on the video link Listen to Your Heart......and it we connect with earth and mother nature!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Change Is In The Air
Change Brings a Spiritual Healing

The Winds of Change
Are here to stay
Take it in and just play
It is best to be childlike
Innocent and fearless
Forget your past
Be born a new
For change is here for you at last
Make it a fantasy
Create your dreams
It is possible, so it seems
Just go with the flow
Focus on Love
Watch the butterflies, see the doves
There are signs for you so be aware
Change your focus to love instead of despair
It is that easy just do it now
You will see, give it a chance, just use that plow
To rid yourself of past pain and sorrow
And if you’re happy today it creates a better tomorrow!
Flow with life and be spiritually healed.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Spiritually Heal Your Reality
changing our current reality so much as shifting to the reality that is
consistent with our vision. Shifting with ease from one timeline to
another is the key to living more fully in the new energies now available
on planet Earth. As we release negative responses to our current
timeline, we move past resistance, avoidance and blame. These tactics
peaceful center. It is from a calm and loving place within ourselves
that we are able to make peace with the past and turn our attention to
the future of our choosing.”
perceive alternate reality threads. If we embrace the concept that
everything already exists in our field of potential, then it is easy to
existence, including realities consistent with our highest vision. To
shift to one of these threads, all we need to do is shift our attention
and focus to it. You may have heard the statement that whatever you
focus on expands. This is true of reality threads. By perceiving a
preferred reality thread and shifting our focus to it, we begin to
anchor this alternate thread into our daily reality.”
Spiritual Advisor
How To Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life.. available at or
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Step Out of Fear and Become Spiritually Healed.
Step Out of Fear and Become Spiritually Healed.
Every day someone either tells me their fears or I over hear them when in a crowded room. People are afraid of aging, being robbed, worrying about their health or if they will get sick and most importantly they are still listening to the news and feeding into the destruction that continues on this planet.
The only requirement is to feel love and see the people who suffered loss as happy, joyful, and full of love.
Most people don’t even realize they are being negative and fearful. If everyone realized that life was just an illusion or a mirror reflecting back at themselves, just think of the possibilities of how this world would make massive earth changes. I know deep within you have felt changes and you have seen others change. The only way to create a beautiful world for yourself is to feel it and visualize it for yourself. Your life IS your thoughts so change them.!
Whatever you put your attention to is what you create for yourself. Why not focus on the flowers, the beautiful sunset, how lucky you are to be alive during this most auspicious time. Everything around you is the best it’s ever been. The problem is that you don’t see it. Beauty, love, and abundance is right before your eyes.
To create that scenario only requires a change in thought and perception. What you think is what you create and what you see is from your own thoughts and how you perceive it. Can you relate to the fact that some days you look at yourself in a mirror and see beauty, while other days you don’t? Do you think you have changed that much or was it created by how you were perceiving yourself at that particular moment? If you can see your own reflection in a different light according to how you are feeling about yourself at that particular moment, then what would your world look like if your thoughts were focused on the positive rather than the negative? Does that make sense?
What if you realized that you were your own fairy Godmother and you held your own magic wand? Just think of the possibilities. Why fall into the trap of complaining and stop the nonsense and take your life back and create all your dreams? All you have to do is visualize what your life looks like and know that you WILL have it. Is fear of the unknown holding you back?
Release your fears
My sweet dears
For the way is clear
All you have to do is visualize
For your dreams to materialize
It is that simple. Practice faith and trust in yourself and God and know deep within your heart that it is okay. Release those fears whatever they might be and stop worrying about every little thing. It’s not up to you to worry about how your life will unfold. Give your fears to God. Release them to Him and know that your guidance and direction will be there for you when the time is right. Listen and you will know…trust and see how it unfolds and then you will believe.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Very Good Message to Share
11: Harmony
Chaotic forces still abide in nature, but man, by carefully responding to the rhythms and cycles of the world around him, can find peace in the natural world. By planting the right crop in the right place in the right season, the farmer brings harmony to the cultivation of plants, and prosperity to his family. Similarly, any business must adjust to the natural cycles of the season; only through flexibility and adaptation can order and growth be maintained. Peaceful times produce a time of flowering and prosperity; the wise person channels positive energy to all quarters, to each in proper proportion, just as a farmer waters his field. But be vigilant. Otherwise, peaceful conditions will foster the growth of weeds as well as flowers.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Start the new year in a positive light, realize this is your new flight, to soar in the clouds , heaven, and feel free
all it takes is a change in thee
Your perception is your world
Change it completely and see what is really right in front of your face.