You are in charge of your own life! Whatever YOU think YOU create. If you don't like your life at the moment, then Change YOUR thoughts. We are all one, connected to each other not separate as you believe. Everyone in your life is your mirror reflection. If you are challenged by any person or situation then step back, thank the person for showing YOU what you need to change about yourself. Once you see YOURSELF and make the changes within, that challenge will disappear!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Change Is In The Air
Change Brings a Spiritual Healing

The Winds of Change
Are here to stay
Take it in and just play
It is best to be childlike
Innocent and fearless
Forget your past
Be born a new
For change is here for you at last
Make it a fantasy
Create your dreams
It is possible, so it seems
Just go with the flow
Focus on Love
Watch the butterflies, see the doves
There are signs for you so be aware
Change your focus to love instead of despair
It is that easy just do it now
You will see, give it a chance, just use that plow
To rid yourself of past pain and sorrow
And if you’re happy today it creates a better tomorrow!
Flow with life and be spiritually healed.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Spiritually Heal Your Reality
changing our current reality so much as shifting to the reality that is
consistent with our vision. Shifting with ease from one timeline to
another is the key to living more fully in the new energies now available
on planet Earth. As we release negative responses to our current
timeline, we move past resistance, avoidance and blame. These tactics
peaceful center. It is from a calm and loving place within ourselves
that we are able to make peace with the past and turn our attention to
the future of our choosing.”
perceive alternate reality threads. If we embrace the concept that
everything already exists in our field of potential, then it is easy to
existence, including realities consistent with our highest vision. To
shift to one of these threads, all we need to do is shift our attention
and focus to it. You may have heard the statement that whatever you
focus on expands. This is true of reality threads. By perceiving a
preferred reality thread and shifting our focus to it, we begin to
anchor this alternate thread into our daily reality.”
Spiritual Advisor
How To Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life.. available at or
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Step Out of Fear and Become Spiritually Healed.
Step Out of Fear and Become Spiritually Healed.
Every day someone either tells me their fears or I over hear them when in a crowded room. People are afraid of aging, being robbed, worrying about their health or if they will get sick and most importantly they are still listening to the news and feeding into the destruction that continues on this planet.
The only requirement is to feel love and see the people who suffered loss as happy, joyful, and full of love.
Most people don’t even realize they are being negative and fearful. If everyone realized that life was just an illusion or a mirror reflecting back at themselves, just think of the possibilities of how this world would make massive earth changes. I know deep within you have felt changes and you have seen others change. The only way to create a beautiful world for yourself is to feel it and visualize it for yourself. Your life IS your thoughts so change them.!
Whatever you put your attention to is what you create for yourself. Why not focus on the flowers, the beautiful sunset, how lucky you are to be alive during this most auspicious time. Everything around you is the best it’s ever been. The problem is that you don’t see it. Beauty, love, and abundance is right before your eyes.
To create that scenario only requires a change in thought and perception. What you think is what you create and what you see is from your own thoughts and how you perceive it. Can you relate to the fact that some days you look at yourself in a mirror and see beauty, while other days you don’t? Do you think you have changed that much or was it created by how you were perceiving yourself at that particular moment? If you can see your own reflection in a different light according to how you are feeling about yourself at that particular moment, then what would your world look like if your thoughts were focused on the positive rather than the negative? Does that make sense?
What if you realized that you were your own fairy Godmother and you held your own magic wand? Just think of the possibilities. Why fall into the trap of complaining and stop the nonsense and take your life back and create all your dreams? All you have to do is visualize what your life looks like and know that you WILL have it. Is fear of the unknown holding you back?
Release your fears
My sweet dears
For the way is clear
All you have to do is visualize
For your dreams to materialize
It is that simple. Practice faith and trust in yourself and God and know deep within your heart that it is okay. Release those fears whatever they might be and stop worrying about every little thing. It’s not up to you to worry about how your life will unfold. Give your fears to God. Release them to Him and know that your guidance and direction will be there for you when the time is right. Listen and you will know…trust and see how it unfolds and then you will believe.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Very Good Message to Share
11: Harmony
Chaotic forces still abide in nature, but man, by carefully responding to the rhythms and cycles of the world around him, can find peace in the natural world. By planting the right crop in the right place in the right season, the farmer brings harmony to the cultivation of plants, and prosperity to his family. Similarly, any business must adjust to the natural cycles of the season; only through flexibility and adaptation can order and growth be maintained. Peaceful times produce a time of flowering and prosperity; the wise person channels positive energy to all quarters, to each in proper proportion, just as a farmer waters his field. But be vigilant. Otherwise, peaceful conditions will foster the growth of weeds as well as flowers.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Spiritual Healers | Spiritual Healing by Maxine |
Start the new year in a positive light, realize this is your new flight, to soar in the clouds , heaven, and feel free
all it takes is a change in thee
Your perception is your world
Change it completely and see what is really right in front of your face.