Today is a powerful day.........a solar eclipse.......It's imperative that you read the following affirmations and while reading them feel the words, take them inside of yourself. This process will not only help you but the world around you.
Have a blessed day
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach
- I AM <> and I AM claiming joy in my life as I ascend into my higher self to see with enlightened perception the right action in all situations. I willingly perform this action without hesitation.
- I AM <> and I step forward NOW to claim my birthright of universal abundance. Abundance flows constantly into my use which nothing can stop. All things are mine to use as I need them now
- I AM <>and I now draw my TWIN FLAME into full experience in my life. We are ready to reunite with God in our full cosmic expression of pure joy. We are eager to live the joy of BOTH aspects of ourselves together. The reverberation of our union graces all of humanity.
- I AM <> and My heart is full of devotion, my actions are full of love, and my life is full of God. Everywhere I look, I see God in action. I forgive all who have ever treated me without this knowing. In every face I see now, I recognize the eyes of God, in every word I hear my life is blessed. I forgive and I am set free
- I AM <> and I AM always balanced and harmonious in all my actions, behavior and language. I AM the fullness of life with joy, clarity & love imparted to all. No outside event can disturb this place of perfect peace.
- I AM <> , and As I sleep, I allow the peace of God to overwhelm my worldly cares, dissolving them in the bliss of pure consciousness. When I awake, I feel God's presence as joy overriding any circumstance which might enter my life. I am loved, I am protected. I feel the presence at all times.
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