Starborne's are people who came from the stars. They are highly intelligent people who are part of the new earth changes that are coming into play.
They will heal the world of illnessess and diseases and change technology as we know it. They will spread their light and love to the world. Some are lightworkers and some such as myself, are messengers.
Starbornes have led very emotional, lonely lives. They have a mission of which most people think them as weird and they have many challenges to deal with. A following is a list of traits of starbornes:
What are Starseeds?
Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They find the behavior and motives of our society puzzling and illogical. Starseeds are often most reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, e.g. political, economic, health care, etc. Even at an early age, they tend to discern the hidden agendas of such conventions with unusual clarity."
If you do not fit into any of these categories - and feel a sense of disconnection and change within yourself and the universe you are still a Star Child. It is your journey through the Universe of this experiences.
1. 65% are female
35% are male
2. Compelling eyes
3. Great magnetism and personal charisma
4. Sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields
5. Lower body temperature than the norm
6. Chronic sinustis
7. Extra or transitional vertebra
8. Hypersensitivity to sound, light, odors
9. Swollen or painful joints
10. Pain in the back of the neck
11. Adversely affected by high humidity
12. Survived a life-threatening illness
13. Involved in a severe accident or trauma
1. Feel a tremendous sense of urgency to fulfill their
2. Experienced a sense of oneness with the universe
3. Many have difficulty dealing with/or expressing emotions or have a chemical imbalance
1. All believe in life on other planets
2. Most believe that they have lived on another planet
and can tell you about it
3. At an early age they had some kind of
extraterrestrial, religious or mystical experience
4. Believe they have encountered alien entities of an
extraterrestrial or multidimensional level or a being of
5. Telepathic communication with an alien entity -
physical or non-physical
6. They receive some form of communication from a
higher source
1. Near Death Experiences
2. Out of Body Experiences
1. Believe in their spirit guides or angel
2. Believe they have been blessed after the
appearance of a holy figure
3. An intense religious experience
4. Believe in a God or creational source of energy
5. Believe in miracles
6. Had an invisible playmate as a child
7. Saw an elf - "wee person" - or "fairy"
8. Saw a ghost
9. Aware of parallel existence at this time in other
10. Contact with deceased loved one
11. Believe in reincarnation
12. Have past life memories or memories from parallel
1. Perform healings on themselves and others
2. Experienced a white light during meditation
3. Experience clairvoyance and clairaudience
4. Have made prophetic statements, had prophetic
dreams or visions that have come to pass
5. See auras
6. Practice automatic writing
There are many people who are not aware of this. It is important that you know who you are and that you are not alone.
You can meditate and find your star name....mine is Solana star. When I say that name to myself I feel joy and peace instantly.
If you fit most of this list there are many starseed groups you can join.
Find your friends and the people you can relate with. Find your support system, find it now.
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach
Solana Star
Empowering Thoughts Change Your Life
for a personal reading visit my web page www.maxinewhitfield.com