Be still little ones and know that help is right around the corner. Pray, be alone, stay positive and uplifted.
The Full Moon will be a real doozy...full of unfinished business and emotions. For those of you who can relate, separate your thoughts and emotions from yourself.
1. Visualize a whirling pool the color and consistency of custard pudding at the base of a mountain, churning and drop your worries there.
2. Visualize your problems blending in this whirlpool and send them to the bottom of the earth for recycling.
3. Drop in your past, the stresses of your life, all of your worries and your pain and drop them into the whirlpool.
Release, release and set yourself free. Don't hesitate, do it now!
Channeled by me, Solana Star from the Great Star Nation!
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach
Star Child
Empowering Thoughts, Change Your Life
for further guidance visit my web site for answers to your desired questions
Love this!!!