Everyone came to this planet earth to full fill a destiny. You are not here by chance!
Parents were picked before your arrival.
Each of us are unique in our own way. First, we must accept everyone for whom they are without judgement. Then the most important person you need to know is YOURSELF....who YOU really are.....your destiny.....your path in this lifetime.
Astrology is the tool to help you find your answer.....it is the path of your destiny. Don't think of astrology as your sun sign as it is much more deeper than that.
Change is here. Knowing your destiny is of the utmost importance.
When we were young we followed our parents. Most of thought this was how life was...how everyone else is..But as we grew older we became more of an individual. We found that some of our parent's teachings did not fit us. We learned more about ourselves as individuals. We started to hang out with people who thought like us and learned how we were different.
Study yourself...find out what your gift is. Now than ever before it is a must.....not a maybe.
Go to the school of life. Run some personal astrology reports on yourself to make the connections. Then you will find your mission in life.
I found mine on my birthday. Some never find theirs.
To survive the changes that are coming you must find your destiny...your mission..it will be needed soon.
However you chose to do this, do it at once......the time is now!
Channeled by Great Star Nation
Maxine Whitfield
Solana Star
Spiritual Coach
Empowering Thoughts, Change Your Life
for personal advice visit my web www.maxinewhitfield.com
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