You are in charge of your own life! Whatever YOU think YOU create. If you don't like your life at the moment, then Change YOUR thoughts. We are all one, connected to each other not separate as you believe. Everyone in your life is your mirror reflection. If you are challenged by any person or situation then step back, thank the person for showing YOU what you need to change about yourself. Once you see YOURSELF and make the changes within, that challenge will disappear!
Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Live, Love, Laugh, Enjoy

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Life is a Mirror Reflecting Back To You

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Time For Change

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

By David R. Hawkins
By Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
By Ram Dass
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Forest in All its Glory
Friday, August 21, 2009
Peace and Tranquility

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Girls, What Have You Done?
I recently got back into the dating game and can’t believe how much it has changed. Everyone is confused and miserable and I’m sorry to say it’s the fault of the women. Women have become too easy for men and have ruined it for everyone else.
What’s up girls? I’ve heard they want to be like men? Why, when the women were always in control as long as they were smart about it? The problem now is that it is hard all across the nation for anyone to find love because everyone is so confused.
I have analyzed this situation and interviewed both men and woman and have come up with a solution. Forget all the relationship books on how to keep him, make him love you, win him or her over. Who wants to be with anyone you have to control or manipulate just to have them be with you?
First and foremost you attract what you lack and believe about relationships. You also attract people to you of where your mind is at. For instance, you might say you want a committed relationship but really don’t. You will know if you are not ready to commit if you always attract unavailable people. That is a sure sign you are not ready to make a commitment. An unavailable person is one who is married, separated, or lives out of town.
Secondly, if you had a relationship that didn’t work out then you have to let that go too. Always step back and say, “thank you God for bringing (x) into my life and teaching me so and so. Then bless them and most importantly forgive them and yourself and move on. If you hold onto anger then you are keeping yourself in pain. It is imperative to forgive, forget, and let it go. That releases the pain and fear and opens you up to a new love.
I even had a male friend beg me not to write this because he didn’t want me to ruin it for the men. Let’s get respect back from our men. Men have it way too easy because you have all decided to become easy. Think about it girls, we love the chase…it’s more orgasmic than an orgasm. I have talked to so many men who say they don’t even have to call or ask a woman out anymore. They said the roles are reversed. Sorry girls but even though you act like you want to be like a man, you know you wish you had more.
Don’t you want respect? Don’t you want to be cherished? Don’t you want to be loved? How can a man do any of that when you hand yourselves over to them on a silver platter? It’s okay for a woman to want sex without a commitment but seriously, it has become more than that. Woman are chasing men and giving them whatever they want even when they don’t ask. Is that what you really want? I think not.
There are men who want love just as much as women. So women have ruined it for both sexes. Let’s get back to reality. We are all searching for love.
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bringing much peace and love
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach
Monday, August 17, 2009

There seems to be discord in the air.......as if everyone is experiencing a lot of turmoil!
Mass confusion, fear, uncertainty is flooding the universe. If this description fits you, then you were meant to read my blog today!
Ride the wave or drown in it.....it's your choice.
To help aid you in this process I have added some affirmations. Please read them right now to clear away this negative energy so it will connect you to the positive energy that is also currently in the air.
I AM <> and I AM now opening the windows of perception, the doors to my soul. I remember all I need to know about why I am here, and how best to manifest my gifts.
I AM <> and I confidently and gracefully discontinue all behaviors not aligned with my soul's purpose and eternal truth. Whenever I disengage with non-truth, my life blossoms in ever greater joy and inner peace
I AM <> and I AM in harmony with all choices in my life, now and forever. I accept that I make all choices for my own empowerment.
I AM <> and I AM humbled by the greatness of my being, for I finally understand that I AM truly one with God. I surrender easily now to God. and the divine plan in my life. As I surrender I open to any adjustment required to strengthen or redirect my LIFE. I also open to an in pouring of love from God. I feel love, I breathe love, and I AM love. I joyfully LET GO AND LET GOD.
I AM <> and I AM in movement now. Movement in my physical body as health. Movement in my career, and movement in my emotions towards harmony. I use Movement consciously to expand into my full divine nature.
May peace be with you.
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Adviser
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Answering Your Own Questions

Go from here to the beyond to seek your answers. All questions will be answered in due time. Isn't it nice to have that power just for yourself?? To know that all you have to do is seek it out, trust it, put your faith into it, and then it will manifest for you? Write it down, ask, trust in your answer, follow it, don't question it........don't ask others because we are all individuals....what works for one doesn't necessarily work for ourselves.......
Stay positive.....always....visualize only the best for yourself.......
When you feel like you are faltering, lift yourself up.....breathe deeply, and say over and over to yourself, "I'm in the now, I'm in the now, I'm in the now, till you feel that shift inside of you...if there is a heavy weight in your chest ask for it to be released.
The best part of all of this is how instantly it works. If you feel depressed, you will become more depressed.......if you feel positive, you will become more positive.
Stop the negative chatter that has been programmed into your brain. Step out.......and step into happiness and peace within yourself.
Don't we all want that for ourselves?????? Of course we do!
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
By A Course In Miracles
If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it? By Dogen
Have a blessed day,
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach, Adviser
Empowering thoughts, change your life
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Harmonic Convergence

Friday, August 14, 2009
The Ten Commandments for Your Life

Start your day and end your evening in a positive note.
1. Love thy neighbor as thyself
2. Think only positive thoughts
3. Live in the "now"
4. Follow your heart, it will lead you to your dreams
5. Be creative
6. Smile
7. Do daily affirmations
8. Spread your wealth
9. Help others
10. Keep a clean environment
Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach, Adviser
Empower your life, change your thoughts
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Step Out of Fear, Step Into Your Life

Wake up and smell the coffee! It's time to open your minds to other possibilities.....step out of the box.
The only factor that keeps you from doing this is your fear. This society has been based on fear, power, and control. You, my friends, have entrapped yourselves into this thought process.
Take for example the media. They blast negative news;famine, floods, drought, job losses, too many people, economy, etc.....the list goes on and on. Does watching and listening to this nonsense create peace and love within you? I think not. It creates fear within you. Now you are worried if there is enough food, enough water, enough jobs for everyone to go around. It's always about what you can't do and why you can't achieve whatever it is you are searching for.
If everyone is afraid, than powerful people can take control.
If anyone has power over you it's because you let them. You and only you are in charge of your life. It is very simple. Steps to take to change out of fear :
Recognize that you are fearful
- That you, yourself allow it
- Every morning say positive affirmations
- Every night do not watch the news before you go to bed and say only positive affirmations
- Believe that the only power in this world is GOD and only GOD
- Know that God provided us with all the resources we need
- Trust in yourself, listen to your intuition, and trust in God
Relinquish your fear, take charge of your life...........empowering thoughts, change your life.
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
By Gandhi
Maxine Whitfield Spiritual Coach, Advisor
Empowering Thoughts, Change Your Life
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Negativity Breeds Negativity

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Where Money Comes From

Sunday, August 9, 2009

By Dalai Lama
Friday, August 7, 2009

By A Course in Miracles
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

By Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Sunday, August 2, 2009